(22/05/2024) 16th ACM Web Science Conference 2024. Reflecting on the Web, AI, and Society. Stuttgart.
Talk and Poster: Conspiracy Narratives on Voat: A Longitudinal Analysis of Cognitive Activation and Evolutionary Psychology Features.
Link to Talk -
(20/07/2023) IC2S2–International Conference on Computational Social Science. Copenhagen
Conspiracy Theorizing: Self-reinforcing Feedback Loops through Online Expressions
(2023) BIGSSS Summer School in Computational Social Science. Bremen.
10-day advanced NLP and data science hackathon with PhD students. Research Incubators on Data-Driven Modeling of Conflicts, Migration, Social Cohesion, and Democratic Debate.
Project Leader and Lecturer for: Simulating Conspiracy Beliefs through Large Language Models and Evolutionary Psychology. -
(12/09/2022) CPSS-Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political Text Analysis. Potsdam
Theory-driven modelling of complex socio-psychological constructs in text. Invited Panel-Discussion.